Coherent transponder Service Boards
Transponder Service Card LC-MP100-II - 100G (QSFP28 to CFP-DCO)
Supports 100G single-channel transmission of large packets
Transmits over ultra-long distances: 1500 km transmission without electrical recovery is achieved with FEC coding technology
Supports QSFP28 client interface and CFP DWDM 100G coherent module CFP2 line interface
Provides high dispersion tolerance: the use of coherent wave technology and DSP (Digital Signal Processing) allows linking up to 1500 km without dispersion compensation
Supports real-time OSNR monitoring
Coherent optical module 100G CFP (DCO)
The 100G CFP Coherent Optical Module (DCO) is designed to operate over dual fibre optical cable. On the transmit side, the module converts 25.78 Gbps (CAUI-4) or 27.95 Gbps (OTL4.4) electrical input channels into a single Single Lambda 100G optical signal. The module has a minimum guaranteed optical budget of 18.5 dB, which in most cases is sufficient to reach a distance of 80 km without signal amplification (with signal amplification, the module can reach distances up to 2400 km). The transceiver supports real-time DDM/DOM optical link diagnostics. In addition, it has an in-built generator and Line & Client PRBS checker to help diagnose and test memory status. The module has a dual LC connector facing the line side. On the host side, there is a 148-pin CFP2 MSA compatible connector.
Muxponder Service Card LC-MP200-II- 200G (2xQSFP28 to CFP2-DCO)
Supports single-channel transmission of large packets at 200 Gbps
Client interface: 2 QSFP28 form factor modules that transport data over long distances in high bandwidth fibre optic networks
Line interface includes a CFP2 DWDM 200G coherent module that enables high-speed (200 gigabits per second), high-bandwidth fibre-optic networking, which is critical for large telecommunications companies, data centres and other organisations that use high-speed network links
Transmits over ultra-long distances: FEC direct error correction coding technology achieves 800 kilometres of transmission without electrical restoration
Provides high dispersion tolerance: using coherent wave technology and high-performance DSP processing technology, links up to 1500 km can be established without dispersion compensation
Supports software and hardware port testing, DDM digital diagnostics, real-time OSNR monitoring
Coherent optical module 200G CFP2 (DCO)
The 200G CFP2 coherent optical module (DCO) is designed to operate over dual fibre optical cable. On the transmit side, the module converts 25.78 Gbps (CAUI-4) or 27.95 Gbps (OTL4.4) electrical input channels into a single 100G/200G Single Lambda optical signal. The transceiver has a minimum guaranteed optical budget of 18.5 dB, which in most cases is sufficient to reach a distance of 80 km without signal amplification (with signal amplification, the module can reach distances up to 1000 km (200G). The coherent module supports the PM-16QAM light signal modulation method for 200G speeds. The transceiver provides real-time diagnostics of the DDM/DOM optical link. In addition, it has a built-in Line & Client PRBS generator and checker to help diagnose and test memory status. The module has a dual LC connector facing the line side. On the host side, there is a 104-pin CFP2 MSA compatible connector.
Muxponder Service Card LC-MP400-II - 400G (4xQSFP28 to CFP2-DCO)
Supports electrical layer multiplexing/demultiplexing in two modes: 4x100G↔400G, combining 4 100G channels into a single 400G channel (using 4 client interfaces – QSFP28 and CFP2 line interface) or 2x100G↔200G, combining 2 100G channels into a single 200G channel
Provides support for a single 400G data link
Supports 80 wavelength tunable channels
Transmits data at 400Gbps by utilising advanced coherent technology and DSP digital signal processing technology to overcome the challenges of high-speed transmission systems to meet OSNR\ requirements
Coherent optical module 400G CFP2 (DCO)
The 400G CFP2 Digital Coherent Optics (DCO) transceiver provides multi-speed coherent signal transmission for data centre interconnection as well as metro and long distance backbone applications. On the host side, the module supports a variety of signal types including 100GE, 200GE, 400GE, OTU4 and OTUCn (FlexO). On the line side, 100G, 200G, 300G, and 400G interfaces with various modulation formats and forward error correction (FEC) codes. Multiple 100G clients can be multiplexed onto a single 200G, 300G or 400G line-side interface. The optical transceiver is RoHS and CFP MSA CFP2 equipment specification compliant with the extensions specified in the OIF CFP2-DCO implementation agreement.